Armour Array

Usefully piecemeal armour. I want it. I want my PCs looking like Toshiro MIfune with a mail sleeve wrapped around his head as protection. I want a splash of acid eating through a breastplate, so it's torn off and cast smoking to the ground, or a motley assemblage of old plate strapped to a PC for so they can make a Ned-Kelly esque trudge across deadly ground.

Below is an excerpt from a character sheet.

Hd 08 08 11 --
Tx 02 02 02 07
Ab 02 07 --
Ar 02 07 
Lg 06 07
AR = 2.6 = 3
VN: 9
HP: 4/6
MATK: d12
WORN CLOTHING: Beadworked Waistcoat, Sash, Red culottes, Caligae
1. Torc
2-5. Breastplate TxTxTxAbAr 4Slt
6. Winged Jackboots Lg
7-8. Buff coat TxAbArLg 2slt
9-11. Kettle Helm HdHd 3slt
12. Ceramic Face Mask Hd
13. Shortsword d6

- 15 slots exist for pieces of armour. Each is worth 0.2 Armour (AR) points. 

- The body is broken into the Head (Hd), Thorax (Tx), Abdomen (Ab),  Arms (Ar), Legs (Lg). Shields (Sh) can occupy only the leftmost column. 

- Digitially, this is very hard to effect, but on paper one can easily bring a puzzle into this. Armour that goes across multiple bodyparts must have a certain shape, and that shape may preclude other desirable pieces. 

- Overlap in the armour array is forbidden (and would be pointless anyway), and contradictory combinations are forbidden - eg two breastplates, four gauntlets &c.

- Armour pieces are held in the inventory, where there bulk is tracked. The number of the first inventory slot a piece occupies is how it is annotated in the armour array.

- AR is summed from the covered slots in the armour array and rounded to the nearest whole number (Valid range: 1-3), and used in Melee Attack hit calculation. 

Melee Attacks 

- Roll a MATK die (Default: d14, improves to d12, d10, d8). To hit, the result must be > target armour (AR) and <= target vulnerability (VL). (Default 9, improves to 7, 5)

- Rolls > VL miss

- Rolls <= AR are deflected by armour

- Advantageous or contrary circumstances may see an attacker's MATK die stepped up or stepped down.


 - Armour can be mixed and matched. This is useful 1. To force the players to wear ungodly combinations 2. To facilitate the damage, destruction, and replacement of individual pieces 3. So individual pieces of armour can have special effects or magical abilities. 

The primary upgrade is armour that takes less slots.



Mass Combat Slush 01

A table showing outcomes for combat. A table - not created - would compare unit types and terrain to assign an outcome range from the below table, that would be rolled. 


Cosmogony of Wel

Our world is called Wel, and before it was peopled two brothers traversed the void - an infinite black desert - and came upon it. The bottom was lifeless dark water. One brother was Strong, the other Clever. Strong Brother knelt to draw water from the well, and was pushed / fell / threw himself in sacrificed/, and shattered and died at the bottom.

His body rotted and Beasts appeared. Maggots made his flesh to dirt, and left his bones the mountains. His hair became the forests, and the buzzing of flies set in motion the air and made the weather.

Clever Brother looked down, and sweat from his brown fell onto the body of his brother, and grew into the First Men, of which there were 60. Strong were the First Men, the World-Shapers (for the had in them the strength of a god), and they strove with and compelled the beasts to remake the world to their design. And pitiless: When each type of Beast had done its work to prepare the way for the next, they were destroyed. The Firsts cared for nothing but their labours, and lived alone in metal hovels scattered in the wilderness. They were shorter than us, and went unadorned, and their work was nature and had no straight lines.

Clever Brother spat in contempt / to judge the depth / to do penitence by unslaked thirst /, and his spit grew in the world and became the Second Men, the Law-Makers, of which there were 3600. They had language and taste, and would not endure the coarseness and wildness of the First. When they decided the world was well enough wrought, they subjugated the Firsts with Law, waged bloody war against the Beasts which remained, and set the First who would yield against the few who would not, and imprisoned them. The Seconds were very tall and slight, and of great dignity. They laid out charters and set up cities, but were not enough to people them; Their works were geometric monuments, beautiful but empty.

Clever Brother then wept, and his tears became the Third Men, of which there were 216000. They had passion, though not the puissance of the First, or the artifice of the Second. They inhabited the cities and inherited the charters, but saw the wideness of the world and chaffed against the limits that had been imposed. Some wished to cultivate, and they cultivated; Others wished to husband, and they caused vast herds to be raised up to husband; All wished to multiply, and they multiplied. The Seconds were irate to see the narrow strictures of their Law defied, but the Thirds would not yield. Their stature was between their two predecessors, and their appearance and manner better mirrored the nature of Wel. Their works were chaotic and ambitious, frequently failing or developing to unforeseen ends, and lacking overarching design.

The Seconds tightened their grip and, and the Thirds rebelled, and the imprisoned First were broken free and some of their world-altering Beasts were raised up. Then everywhere war raged. Columns of fire lanced from the sky, and great adamantium arrows pierced the bedrock, and seas were boiled, and mountains fell. Everywhere tumult and struggle bent every effort of every man. Clever Brother was nicked by a sling's slight bullet, and a gout of blood fell to the world. It became the Fourth Men.

The Fourth Men were cultivated by every faction. They were not meant to be free shapers of the world, but slaves of war, and they were multitudinous chimera of man and animal. Some had the bodies and the claws of lions, and tore warriors apart to be consumed. Others were like alligators, and could lie in silent ambuscade in still waters. Others had no quality except numbers, and emerged full-formed from pits in the soil to enter raging battle for any master.

Ash then covered the face of the world, and Clever Brother went away to lie sleeping in the darkness, his back to Wel. In the Winter Night the Free peoples eventually prevailed, and the Law-Makers and their servants and slaves died in battle, or as fugitives, but some fled to the far corners and deep recesses of the world. Famine and darkness and rogue Beasts and masterless Fourths lead to an interval of barbarism.

The long night ended, and those only who walked upon the face of the world were called the Fifth Men. They are not the product of Clever Brother, but a mixture of all which came before. They are us.




The events behind the myth are the two colony ships which arrive to people an empty world. One is deliberately crash landed to provide material for terraforming, and vast bioengineered creatures are raised to effect this under the control of sixty scientists. You can infer the rest from this.


Incomplete and Preemptively Deprecated Acquire Moveables Ruleset

Overwrought, incomplete, and ineffective, but perhaps something of worth can be extricated from it. 

Acquire Moveables

- Zochii/Dungeon Crawl Classic Dice Set

Tests (TST) are called for by the DM to determine the outcome of doubtful actions.
- 1-Attribute Test: Roll d10, succeed if result <= Value. eg. "STR TST"
- 2-Attribute Test: Roll d20, succeed if result <= Value1+Value2. eg. "STR+GRC TST"
- 3 Attribute Test: Roll d30, succeed if result <= Value1+Value2+Value3

Contest (CTST): Two antagonists each make the appropriate test.
- If one succeed, they win
- If both succeed or fail, the whoever rolled higher wins.

Stepping Up (SU) or Stepping Down (SD) dice refers to increasing or decreasing their size according to this order:

d2 <-> d4 <-> d6 <-> d8 <-> d10 <-> d12 <-> d14 <-> d16 <-> d20 <-> d24 <-> d30 <-> d40 <-> d60 <-> d80 <-> d100 <-> d200 <-> d400 <-> d600 <-> d800 <-> d1000

Hundreds-Dice can be simulated two ways. Make clear which method is being used before rolling.
- Opt1: dX00: (dX-1)*100+d100
- Opt2: dX00: (dX, where X-max becomes 0)*100+d100

Depletion Die (DDIE or DD): A DDIE steps down on a result of 1. After d2, the die is gone.

Sudden End Die (SDIE): A SDIE steps down each time it is rolled, disappearing after d2, and the effect ends immediately on a 1.

Advantage (ADV): Roll twice and take the better.

Disadvantage (DADV): Roll twice and take the worst.

RU: Round up (including on 0.5), RD: Round Down

- Time is tracked in Rounds (Rds) of approximately 15 seconds, Minutes, Tenmins (ten minutes), Hours (24 hour clock), Watches (four hours), Days, Tendays (10 days), "Weeks" (10 days), Months (30 days), and Years (12 months)
- Space is tracked in Squares (sq) of 2x2 metres, and kilometres
- Cash is measured in Silver Pieces (sp).

Innate Attributes: Valid Range: 1 to 9. Formatted in writing as [Current Attrib]/[Max Attrib]. Current attrib. values are influenced by temporary considerations, such as drugs or exhaustion. Max Attrib. values may increase by level or decrease due to permanent injury.
- Strength (STR): Feats of strength, wrestling &c
- Grace (GRC): Kinesthetic sense; Dancing, dodging &c
- Precision (PRE): Fine motor skills. Crafting, calligraphy, lockpicking &c
- Willpower (WIL): Influencing people, enduring and surviving.
- Alertness (ALR): Perceiving, reading signals, spotting traps, keeping watch &c
- Recall (RCL): Recalling lore, executing mental processes.

Hit Points: Ability to resist damage. Ablated before injuries are sustained. Formatted in writing as [Current HP]/[Max HP]. Current HP is reduced by injury. Increases with level. EXH caps Current HP while active.

Inventories: Each PC has two inventories, the Carried Inventory (C.INV) and the Mental Inventory (M.INV).
- C.INV: Valid Range: 12 to 20 Slots. Holds physical items and Fatigue (FAT).
- M.INV: Valid Range: 8 to 16 Slots. Holds Injuries (INJ), FAT, Spells and Summons.
- Items take up 4, 3, 2, 1, 1/2, or 1/4 Slots (SLT). Items larger than one slot must be arranged as continuous vertical or horizontal blocks.
- Injury (INJ) chits must occupy the lowest available M.INV row, swapping places with FAT if necessary.
- Fatigue (FAT) chits must occupy the lowest available C.INV or M.INV row (player's choice). FAT must be added immediately before any items are dropped. FAT cannot be rearranged until the next rest.
- When all columns in a M.INV row are filled, the Exhaustion (EXH) level associated with that row becomes active.

Fatigue (FAT) chits are gained by exertion (eg. marching, treading water) privation (eg. starvation, hypothermia) or harm (eg. violence, falling). They may have special effects and requirement for removal.
- When FAT exceeds inventory capacity, enter a coma and add excess FAT to the Death Save pool. Each time FAT is gained, there is a Death Save Pool FAT in 10 chance of dying.
- Fatigue Types
    - Standard Fatigue (FAT) is gained by exertion.
        - LVL*FAT are lost per S.REST
        - All FAT are lost per L.REST.
    - Dehydration (FATd): 3 FATd are gained per day without drinking water. At 9 FATd, die. Lose 1 FATd if a pittance of water is drunk. Lose all FATd when adequate water drunk.
    - Starvation (FATs): 1 FATs is gained per day without rations. At 12 FATs, die. Lose 1 FATd per ration consumed; WIL TST to avoid gorging, take 1d6 DMG per ration over 3 consumed in a day. 
    - Hypothermia (FATh): Gain per time interval according to cold/insulation chart. Each 3 FATh, gain frostbite injury. At 10 FATh, die. Lose 1 FATh per hour in warmth. Lose all FATh per hour in warm bath.
        - If immersed in water, cold counts as one level worse.
    - Infection (FATi): Gain from injuries. If in unsanitary conditions, have FATi-in-30 chance of dying.

| **Hypothermia by Cold and Insulation** | Inadequate or wet | Light Ins.  | Mod Ins.    | Heavy Ins. |
| -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ----------- | ----------- | ---------- |
| Cold                                   | 1FATh/Watch       | -           | -           | -          |
| Moderate Cold                          | 1FATh/Hour        | 1FATh/Watch | -           | -          |
| Extreme Cold                           | 1FATh/Tenmin      | 1FATh/Hour  | 1FATh/Watch | -          |
| Immersed in water in extrm. cld.       | 1FATh/Min         | N/A         | N/A         | N/A        |

Injuries are formatted xINJ(DDy z), where x is the number of M.INV slots filled, y is the the initial depletion die size and z is the interval healing is tested, eg. INJ(DD8 Daily) begins with a depletion die sized 8 which is rolled each day to test healing.

Injuries are formatted [MINV Slots]INJ(DD[Initial DDIE or SDIE size] [Interval healing tested] [Bld, for bleeding] [Perm, for permanent]).
- Injuries take up MINV slots
- Injury healing is simulated with a depletion or sudden-end dice, rolled at the specified interval. When that die is gone, so is the injury chit.
- Permanent injuries are indicated with "Perm", when the INJ chit is removed their mechanical effect remains unless magically healed or negated with prosthetics. The removal of the injury chit from the MINV represents the PC growing used to the debilitation. Eg. "Hand Amputated 2INJ(DD8 Daily Perm)" - the hand would still be gone when DD8 was.
- Injuries produce FAT per round from bleeding until the wound is bound.

Exhaustion (EXH) levels are activated when the associated M.INV row is filled.
- All innate attribute current values are reduced by EXH to a minimum of 1
- Current HP cannot exceed MaxHP/EXH, round down. Minimum of 0.

A Short Rest (S.REST) takes tenmin. Up to 2 S.REST may be taken a day.
- All FAT drops to the lowest available row and may be moved between C.INV and M.INV. It may be discarded if the conditions to do so are met
- EXH levels may be deactivated, if their M.INV row is no longer filled.  
- 1d6 HP are gained

A Long Rest (L.REST) requires 5 to 8 hours of sleep and a ration. Armour must be removed.
- All FAT drops to the lowest available row and may be moved between C.INV and M.INV. It may be discarded if the conditions to do so are met
- EXH levels may be deactivated, if their M.INV row is no longer filled.
- INJ may be tested according to their healing interval
- All HP restored
- All MD are restored

Armour Slots: The human body is divided into 8 hit location (HITLOC) cells, each contains 0 to 3 Armour (ARM) points, based on armour pieces stored in the C.INV. The highest ARM values are always stored in the rightmost cell of a bodypart.
- Head (Hd) 1
- Thorax (Tx) 2, 3, 4
- Abdomen (Ab) 5, 6
- Arms (Ar) 7
- Legs (Lg) 8

A Shield, when held, adds its value to every odd HITLOC slot

Skills: Abstract, each broad and equivalent to an occupation or degree. eg. Sailing, Navigation, Architecture

Languages: 1-3, limited competence, must TST to get meaning of casual speech; 4-6, average competence, must TST to get meaning of poetry or jargon; 7-9, eloquent.
- Lingua-Weal: A pidging descended from the language of the old Commonweal.
- Trade-Sign: Full-body sign language, held items cause DADV.
- Drillshout: Soldiers' barked orders and rumbling chants. Those who shout it can always be heard over a din, and those who chant it always march in step.
- Dot-Dash Code: Can be transmitted by whistling, tapping, mirror or flare, or any other binary medium.  Can transmit LANG words per round.

Ex-Situ Character Creation: A PC created in a place of civilisation without necessarily having prior immediate connection to the party.
1. Set XP to 0 and LVL to 1.
2. Roll 2d4 each for STR, GRC, PRE, WIL, ALR, RCL.
3. Roll 2+1d6 for HP
4. In C.INV, cross out and do not use numbered cells > STR
5. In M.INV, cross out and do not use numbered cells > WIL
6. Based on highest attribute, roll background.
    1. Note Languages
    2. Note Skills
    3. Add starting cash
8. Create and note biographic details

In-Situ Character Creation: A nearby NPC retrofitted for player use, typically following the player's previous PC's death.
1. Receive attribute and skill information from DM
2. Set LVL and XP to half the decedent PC's
3. Upgrade appropriately
4. Construct vaguely plausible justification for NPC's sudden increase in competence and autonomy.

Dungeon Exploration
- [Dungeon Actions] --> Increment Time --> [Encounter Check] --> Repeat
- Dungeon Actions
    - Move
        - Assume each room takes 10 min to traverse
    - Fleeing
        - GRC CTST. On success, enter next room. Pursuer enters room after 1 round. On failure, action merely continues in next room.
    - Search
        - Average room takes tenmin.
    - Manipulate / Interact / Investigate
    - Doors
        - Locked Doors can be picked with the appropriate tools. PRE TST to do in negligible time, otherwise takes tenmin
        - Wooden Doors can be kicked down noisily. STR TST to do in negligible time, otherwise takes tenmin.
        - Metal Doors cannot be kicked down
        - Barred doors can only be opened from the side of the bar, which requires a STR TST to remove individually.
    - Fight
    - S.REST
    - Construct / Demolish
    - Make Camp --> L.REST
- Time: Minutes, Tenmin
- Encounter Check: Each hour, or when triggered by noise or alarm.
    - [Encounter d6] and [Recon Die] --> (if relevant) [Disposition] --> (if relevant) [Range]
    - Encounter d6
        1. Active Encounter: Party forced to engage, eg. hostile creature
        2. Passive Encounter: Option of engaging, eg. normally hostile monster not immediately threatening
        3. Indirect Encounter: Tracks, evidence, distant noises
        4-6. Depletion: Torches or lighting marks off one level
    - Recon Die: d4 <--> d6 <--> d8 <--> d12
        - Default d6. SD down if quiet and methodical, SU if loud, SU if on have candle
        1. Gain Surprise on Active Encounter. For Passive encounter, may surprise or avoid engagement. For Indirect encounter or Depletion, find tracks
        6-8. Ambushed.
    - Disposition: 1d6
        1. Hostile
        2. Unfriendly
        3-4. Neutral
        5. Affable
        6. Benevolent

Combat: Split into Rounds of ~15 seconds of the following sequence
- [Initiative] --> [Succeeding PC Actions] --> [NPC Actions] --> [Failing PC's Actions] --> [PC Bleed-out Check] --> Repeat
- Initiative: GRC TST. Successful PCs go before NPCs, failing PCs go after.
- Free Actions
    - Move
    - Draw sheathed or holstered weapon
    - Shout brief message
    - Drop item
    - Drink held potion
    - Dispel own spell
    - Dismiss own summon
- Action (Choose 1)
    - Move again
    - Stand up from prone or supine
    - Melee Attack
        - [HITLOC Size Select (DM Adjudication)] --> [HITLOC Roll (attkr. rol)] --> [DMG (attkr. roll)] --> [INJTBL (tagt. lookup)] -->[ (if < 0 HP) Tgt. chooses to stand or fall] --> Repeat
        1. Default HITLOC d10. Argue with the DM to SD or SU HITLOC according to factors affecting likeliness of hitting target.
        2. Attacker rolls HITLOC die, the result being the bodypart cell struck or a miss.
        3. Attacker rolls weapon's damage die and presents result to target
        4. Target HP=HP-DMG+ARM. Target cannot gain HP in this way.
        5. If Trgt HP >= 0, end. If Trgt. HP < 0, lookup and apply result on Injury Table (INJTBL)
        6. If trgt < 0 HP, trgt chooses to fall Hors de Combat (HdC) or continue fighting.
            - HdC persons are prone and are ignored while nearby allies are actively resisting, except by enemies who will take no prisoners. HdC persons may perform one of the below actions on their turn
                - Curl into ball to avoid being stepped on
                - GRC TST to play dead
                - STR TST to crawl 1 cell
                - First Aid on self
                - Attempt to resume fighting. This takes multiple turns, during which they may be attacked: [1. Get to knees] --> [2. Regain balance] --> [3. Act normally, no longer HdC]
    - Ranged Attack
        - As with melee. Note bodyparts, if any, behind solid cover: A HITLOC result of these bodyparts strikes the cover instead.
    - Reload
        - Ranged weapons take a number of rounds to reload, measured by a moving a counter along a track.
        - The user may make a PRE TST to advance the counter an extra step. On fail, reduce progress 1 step.
    - Grenade Attack
        - Roll a GRC TST. On failure, grenade misses intended target. Roll a d12 and reference the Grenade Mishap Chart
    - First Aid
        - PRE TST. Bandages or makeshift bandages must be available. If successful, stops one BLD from INJ.
        - Cannot stop IBLD.
        - Can be performed on self.
    - Retrieve item from pack
    - Cast Spell
    - Deploy Summon

| Grenade Mishap Chart |     |     |     |     |     |     |
| -------------------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|                      |     |     | 5   |     |     |     |
|                      |     | 12  | 1   | 6   |     |     |
|                      | 11  | 4   | tgt | 2   | 7   |     |
|                      |     | 10  | 3   | 8   |     |     |
|                      |     |     | 9   |     |     |     |
Grenade Mishap Additional Effects:
- 9: Fuse much too short, explodes during or immediately after throw. Roll damage.
- 5: Fuse much too long. Lands sputtering at target's feet. Target may kick away or throw back.
- Other values show deviation between target and actual landing point, each cell of the table being 0.5 the distance between attkr and target.

| Injury Table           | Head (Hd)            | Thorax (Ts)               | Abdomen (Ab)              | Arms (Ar)            | Legs                 |
| ---------------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------- |
| -1 HP                  |                      | Winded, no action next rd | Winded, no action next rd | Drop held items      | Knocked prone        |
| -2 HP                  |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -3 HP                  |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -4 HP                  |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -5 HP                  |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -6 HP                  |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -7 HP                  |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -8 HP                  |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -9 HP                  |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -10 HP                 |                      |                           |                           |                      |                      |
| -11 HP                 |                      | Die                       | Die                       | Amputated.           | Amputated.           |
| (-12 to -12-LVL) HP    | Take INJ at -(1d8)HP | Take INJ at -(1d8)HP      | Take INJ at -(1d8)HP      | Take INJ at -(1d8)HP | Take INJ at -(1d8)HP |
| (-12-LVL-1 HP) or less | Die                  | Die                       | Die                       | Die                  | Die                  |

Magic Dice (MD) represent a magic-user's capacity to wield spells or deploy summons. Each MD is a d6 and must be stored in the M.INV.
- Spells
    - When you wish to cast a spell, choose the number of MD you wish to invest, roll them, and note the [dice] invested and the [sum].
    - MD that roll odd may be used again that day. MD that roll even cannot be used until after the next L.REST.
    - Spells may be cast any number of times per day, provided MD are available for it.
    - If a magic user rolls doubles, the spell fails, loudly.
    - If a magic user rolls triples, they suffer [Sum] HP of damage and the spell deploys harmfully to the caster or their allies.
- Summons
    - Magic users choose the number of MD they wish to invest.
    - Entities are summoned for [sum] hours. Note the [sum] and [dice] for any additional effects.
    - MD that roll odd may be used again that day. MD that roll even cannot be used until after the next L.REST.
    - Summons can be called any number of times per day, provided MD are available for it.
    - Roll roubles, and the summoning fails, loudly
    - Roll triples, suffer [sum] HP of damage and the summon appears, hostile to the summoner and their allies, for 1 round.
- MD may be cast without spells as an unfocused blast of power. The result is unpredictable, but may be useful.

Spells are extradimensional creatures with intelligence ranging from 'mould' to 'racoon'. Each occupies 1/4 of a M.INV slot or an item. Any number of spells can be moved between the magic user's brain, scroll, or item with an hour of concentration.
- Spells can be cast from expertly prepared combustible scrolls, even by those without MD: the scroll burns, providing 1 MD, and the spell escapes into the environment after it has had its effect.
- Spells loaded onto held, inert items can be cast by those with MD. The item must be held when the spell's effect ends, or the spell escapes into the environment.    

Summons are intelligent extradimensional creatures. Each occupies 1 M.INV slot or an item. By default, a summon has 5 in all innate attributes, 10HP, is intelligent, can speak and hear, and will obey its summoner's commands.
- Summons loaded onto inert, held items can be cast by those with MD. The summon is loyal to whoever is holding the item.

- PRE TST to remove armour pieces and pack while immersed
- GRC TST each interval or can only tread water.

| Swimming Table        | Treading Water | Swimming   |
| --------------------- | -------------- | ---------- |
| 4 C.INV rows occupied | Sink           | Sink       |
| 3 C.INV rows occupied | 1FAT/Tenmin    | N/A        |
| 2 C.INV rows occupied | 1FAT/Hour      | 4FAT/Watch |
| 1 C.INV rows occupied | 1FAT/Watch     | 4FAT/Watch |

- Fire: 1d6 DMG per round ignited. Each gunpowder slot carried has DMG-in-10 chance of exploding.
- Falling: 1d6*1d(sq fallen rounded down to nearest die size) DMG per sq fallen, Eg a 34 sq drop would be 1d6*1d30 DMG. SD the second die once for each, to a minimum of 0.
    - Jumped deliberately
    - <= 1 row of C.INV filled
    - Water or soft material at landing site
- Drowning: Can hold breath for STR+WIL Rds, 1FATdrown thereafter: When reduced to coma while immersed, die.

- "DDIE": The Black Hack, "Duration Dice"
- "SDIE/Sudden End Die": Goblin Punch, Just-In-Time Durations,  https://goblinpunch.blogspot.com/2015/05/just-in-time-durations.html
- Encounter Mechanics: Goblin Punch, https://goblinpunch.blogspot.com/2020/04/lair-of-lamb-final.html
- Magic Dice Mechanics: Skerples, Many Rats on Sticks